The main location De Leeuwerik houses our offices. We also have cold stores here to store the plants for a considerable time. In total we have 3 hectares of greenhouse, in which we grow our raspberry plants. In autumn we grow strawberry plants here. Outside, we have 3 hectares of tray field for strawberry tray plants and there is 14 hectares of raspberry field for mother plants and long canes.
Rimpelaar in Molenschot
The Rimpelaar site in Molenschot consists of 21 hectares of outdoors cultivation and 2.2 hectares of indoors cultivation. On the tray fields, strawberry tray plants are grown. In the raspberry fields, mother plants and long canes are grown, and in the greenhouse, mother plants for raspberries is grown in our latest high-tech multilayer system, from which cuttings are later cut. Another available innovative greenhouse serves for propagation with hanging cuttings, and for growing strawberry and raspberry plants. There is also an aphid-free greenhouse, which serves for the propagation of first-generation strawberry and raspberry mother plants.
Schoolstraat in Molenschot
At Schoolstraat in Molenschot, we have 17,000 m2 of greenhouse. This greenhouse is also used to grow strawberry mother plants, from which cuttings are later cut. There is also a strawberry and raspberry demo tunnel here. In this tunnel, we work hard to continuously improve the quality of our products and to show our trials and assortment to our customers.
Machielsen in Molenschot
The Machielsen site (6 hectares of outdoors cultivation) is located on Bavelseweg. This location is entirely dedicated to the cultivation of raspberry mother material and long canes. These mother plants form the basis for the fresh raspberry plants we deliver as end products. The long canes find their way directly to the customer.
Peeters in Molenschot
This location is also located on the Bavelseweg (3 hectares of outdoors cultivation). Raspberry mother material is also grown here.
Renne in Molenschot
Also on Bavelseweg is the Renne site (18 hectares of outdoors cultivation). This location is also entirely dedicated to the cultivation of raspberry mother material and long canes.